2023 – 2024Special Topics

The Special Topics Series is an annually planned group of seminars. Topics are chosen collectively by KCPDC board members based on identified development needs from each member institution. Employees participating in the seminars can learn new skills, build relationships and share ideas with colleagues from other institutions, having some fun in the process. Effective July 1, 2011, Special Topics sessions may be used to satisfy the elective requirements for the Supervisory and Faculty Development Certificate Programs.


Advanced registration is required for all KCPDC events. Registration is FREE to employees of member institutions. Please contact your campus representative for registration.

Non-members are encouraged to enroll, on a space available basis. The cost for the attendance at KCPDC events is $150 for full day and $75 for half day session. For enrollment information, contact

CliftonStrengths 101
Presented by Tom Grady and Susan Hoffman

Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: JCCC, Room RC 270

Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? Chances are you don’t. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths.

This session is open to participants NEW to Strengths – those who have NOT YET taken the Strengths assessment. This interactive course will provide participants with clear knowledge and understanding of the strength’s philosophy, concepts, and mission. Using CliftonStrengths, each participant will gain in-depth knowledge about his or her personal strengths. Each participant will also have opportunity to interact with others as they discover more about each of the 34 strengths themes identified by the CliftonStrengths. Guaranteed to change the way you look at yourself – and the world around you – forever.

Shortly after registering, participants will receive a code which will provide access to the CliftonStrengths assessment. Participants should take the assessment prior to the session, print their Signature Theme Report and bring it to the session. Registration is required by Tuesday, Oct 10.

Objectives: As a result of attending this workshop, attendees will:

  • Obtain knowledge about strengths theory and philosophy
  • Interact with others and discover strengths that maybe different that theirs
  • Differentiate between Strengths-Building and Weakness Prevention
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to begin utilizing their strengths

Keeping Your Head in the Game: Strategies and Tips for Avoiding Workplace Burnout
Presented by Tom Grady

Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Online, Zoom

According to the World Health Organization, "burnout is a syndrome resulting from workplace stress that has not been successfully managed." (World Health Organization, 2019). This special topic will focus on techniques and strategies to assist in the reduction of workplace burnout and how to continually stay engaged on the job.

Outcomes: After attending this session, participants will be ale to:

  • Identify the causes and antecedents of workplace burnout.
  • Predict and avoid the factors that can lead to higher levels of disengagement, stress, and fatigue.
  • Create an action plan to reduce workplace burnout and continually strive to achieve peak performances.

The Blueprint of Trust: Layering Foundations of Collaborative Workspace
Presented by Kevin Sansberry

Date: Thursday, January 11, 2024
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: Online on Zoom

The "Blueprint of Trust: Layering Foundations for Collaborative Workspaces" course delves into the fundamental principles of building and maintaining trust.

This course serves as an exploration of key concepts and practical applications, participants will learn how trust acts as a cornerstone for effective collaboration, the nuances of trust-building, and strategies for embedding trust into their workspace culture.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Define Trust in Workspaces: Understand the key components of trust and how it differs from mere confidence or reliance.
  2. Recognize Trust Layers: Identify the multiple layers of trust in collaborative settings, ranging from foundational trust to task-specific trust.
  3. Establish Foundational Trust: Develop strategies to build a foundational level of trust among team members and between leadership and staff.
  4. Implement Trust Mechanisms: Utilize tools and mechanisms that foster trust, from transparent communication systems to feedback loops.
  5. Address Trust Breaches: Recognize signs of diminishing trust and implement strategies to address and rectify them effectively.
  6. Enhance Collaboration Through Trust: Understand the direct relationship between trust and collaboration efficiency, and employ strategies to harness trust for improved team performance.
  7. Foster an Inclusive Trust Culture: Promote inclusivity and diversity in trust-building measures to ensure every team member feels valued and understood.
  8. Reflect and Adapt: Regularly review and modify trust-building strategies based on evolving team dynamics and challenges.

By mastering the blueprint of trust, participants will be equipped to create workspaces that not only function efficiently but also thrive on mutual respect, understanding, and shared objectives.

Resilience: Surviving in the Midst and Thriving in the Aftermath of Trauma
Presented by Brant Winn

Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: Zoom

Join us as we explore together to find answers to the following questions: How can resilience and posttraumatic growth be fostered in the wake of trauma? What can we learn from highly resilient individuals that will help ourselves and inform our work with others? Using the six key principles from SAMSHA’s Trauma Informed Approach, we will provide you practical tools of how you can go about helping yourself and your students build resilience, begin the path to posttraumatic growth, and survive in the midst and thrive in the aftermath of trauma.


  • Participants will gain a greater understanding of the current research of how individuals are struggling with emotional and mental health issues.
  • Participants will learn and gain a greater understanding of the six key principles of the SAMSHA’s Trauma Informed Approach.
  • Participants will demonstrate increased knowledge of trauma, resilience, and posttraumatic growth.
  • Participants will engage in practical tools, strategies, and activities to help build the resilience and posttraumatic growth in both themselves and in others.

Conflict Resolution
Presented by Sean Burkett

Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: Hybrid, Zoom and at KCKCC

The purpose of this session is to provide individuals with the knowledge to recognize causes of workplace conflict, how to facilitate resolution of conflict, and how to manage the work relationships once the conflict has been resolved. Individuals are provided a short assessment to identify their preferred conflict style and an understanding of other styles.

Committed to providing professional development opportunities for the faculty and staff of its member institutions.